Thursday, July 11, 2013

Kaswi - Traditional Malay Dessert


1 cups flour
1 cups tapioca flour
3/4 cups brown sugar
3 cups water
1 tsp slaked lime water
Desiccated coconut 


1) Mix flour and tapioca flour
2) Add 2 cups of water to flour mix and stir to combine
3) Mix brown sugar and 1 cup of water until sugar dissolve
4) Add into flour mix
5) Add slaked lime into the batter
7) Pour into round/ square cake pan
6) Steam for about 20 to 30 minutes on boiling water until cook
7) Make sure it is completely before cutting
6) For the coconut, mix desiccated coconut with salt (to taste)
7) Serve kaswi with coconut

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